It's been over 20 years since I've used a label maker. They've come a long way. This one is great. I'm still learning how to use it but the USB capability is very intuitive. You just plug it into your computer, identify the size of your tape, and type on your keyboard like you would with a word processor, like MS Word. Then click on Print, press on the cutter and the printed tape is released. It works independently as well and the small amount of excess tape on either side of what you type is even smaller when you use the label maker independent of your computer. I've been labeling everything I can get my hands on. - Customer Reviews
Product Description With the portable, rechargeable DYMO LabelManager 280 you can easily organize everything. Connect it to your PC or Mac to customize your labels with fonts and graphics from your computer. Type text fast -comfortably and easily -on the computer-style keyboard. Edit text quickly using one-touch fast-formatting keys. Label without the cost and waste of disposable batteries -with the rechargeable battery pack you just charge, type and print. The LabelManager 280 prints 50% faster than other DYMO label makers. And it prints DYMO D1 labels in 1/4-Inch, 3/8-Inch, and 1/2-Inch widths in a variety of colors -perfect for labeling your files, shelving, equipment and more. Compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS X v10.5 or later - Intel only
Product Features
• Customize labels with any fonts and graphics on your computer through PC or Mac connection
• Type text quickly on the computer-style (QWERTY) keyboard
• Edit text easily with one-touch fast-formatting keys
• Create a wide variety of DYMO D1 labels in 1/4-Inch, 3/8-Inch and 1/2-Inch 6, 9, 12 mm widths and multiple colors
• Preview text effects before you print - no more guessing what your label will look like
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